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8/28/2003 :::

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::: posted by low at 8/28/2003 11:04:00 AM

8/25/2003 :::

Edisi Skodeng

Just caught an episode of NTV7's edisi siasat which is supposed to be a brave new segment of news from NTV7 exposing the shit and scum that is not usually covered by the other free channels namely TV3 and TV2. The Blog was actually going to write a pretty good review on this segment as one of the earlier episodes which covered the stealing of sand from a construction site was actually pretty decent. The language used was informal and the delivery cutting and sharp not caring much for the big-wigs involved in the scam. The presenter even finished with a modified version of a local rhyme ( Bangau oh Bangau ) which really brought the message home albeit a little on the rough side. The main thing was it showed promise and which was better than the shit dished out passed off as news night after night from TV3 and TV2.

Today however, all that initial promise and spark has been promptly flushed down the toilet. The Edisi Siasat of today is just a vehicle to garner ratings for the TV station evident from their covering of the "popular" but not necessarily new news of the seedier sex life of city life. This is the fucking 4th night in a row they are featuring some sex related stories. It all started with the "Expose" on lesbians and tomboys which was a one sided piece of crap at best. The people they interviewed were all done under dim lights. A picture painted to showcase lesbians and "pengkid" ( tomboys ) as strange or dirty in short something than animals. A really top journalistic achievement this is not. It's just a cheap ploy to boost up the fucking ratings. Why did you leave out the coverage from the side of the law and what they were doing about this "issue" ? If you are going to be fucking one sided why not call yourselves "Edisi Maksiat" or "Edisi Skodeng" with all the voyuer cams which would make any one of those sex voyuer cams green with envy !

Tonights episode was even worse with the spotlight on couples making out at one of the popular parks in Malaysia. The spark of annoyance of this idioting piece of crap was quickly ignited to an angry fire when they showed couples in various positions of making out taken from voyuer locations around the park in which the presenter proudly declares to be a "laluan skodeng" ( route for voyuerism ). What you have successfully by declaring that dumbass if it hasn't hit you yet is equating your show to those cheap sex-voyuer vcds you can purchase in Petaling Street at around rm 10.00 for 3 !! So much for a great piece of "Expose". There are other news much more worthy of your attention dumbass !! Eg : the hockey skandal which has reached a cresendo in discussions in Screenshots, the BCB scandal ... and you decide focus your cameras on catching a few guys with their pants down in a national park. What irks me to no end is the fact that this segment if handled well could have well lived up to it's initial potential and finally be one of the watchable news channels.

A TV station doing a segment which discusses ( that is what they try to of course but fails miserably ) has to be responsible to a certain extent of the ripple of effect which the story brings forth. All I can say is the blood is in your hands NTV7 ! The stupid so called news that you cover in your segment has caused quite some furor over in some local internet forums for example here. Check out the reaction you have created from one of the posts ...

inikah gologan terpelajar yang bakal meawarisi dan memimpin negara..kalau dilihat aksi mereka itu lagaknya seperti haiwan..memuaskan nafsu tanpa ada rasa malu dan lakukan dimana2 shj(bwh tangga pun jadi).... ...

( Is this the type of students that is to inherit and rule our country. If you look at their action is no different from animals .. fufilling their lust without a sense of shame and doing it everywhere ( even under the stairs ). ... )

By the tone evident in the discussion forums it is quite clear that watching the so-called "news" is having detrimental effects on the thinking of our youths. Just what we need !! More moralistic goons with the pillar of society up their ass who prosecutes before seeking the truth. Just like edisi siasat ! What have you contributed towards making this a better Malaysia NTV7 ? Going after teenagers making out and putting their "show" on tv to destroy their future is what you can credit yourselves for thus far. Setting the moralistic and paranoid bit of other youth to "high" so that they may hunt down their other no so holy friends ? So what if after this they find other avenues for their activities ? Do another dumb ass expose with a different location and call it ops skodeng 2 ?

Great sense of misguided morality isn't it ? Look as hard as I did I couldn't even find one post answering to this initial one that felt what the camera man was doing was out of place as it had invaded the privacy of others. Where do we actually draw the line saying that this is over the limit in our foaming from the mouth chase after our perfect moral society ? No one on the forum even questioned this once and that is truly worrying. What we really should be worried about is this bunch of moralistic jerks are most prolly going to be the ones that will be inherting our nation. That is a scary thought.

The blog doesn't want to get into a debate on wether what these youths are doing is right or wrong from a religious view. This is not what this post is about, rather this blog wants to say that there are better ways to help youths rather than prosecute them on national TV !! What is that I hear from NTV7 ? You edit out their faces ? Well hello ?! From the angle that you shoot these people, even viewers with the brains the size of walnuts can pretty soon deduce who they are. FYI the pictures that you so called edited on youths making out under the stairs has made it's way unedited to the internet !You want to do a great piece ? Why don't you turn your cameras to uncover how our natural beaches are being raped with remorse and turned into land fills by organisations as well as everyday people ? Bastards who don't pick up after themselves after having a good day at the beach. Flim these people recklessly "rebeautifying" our beaches. That would be a better piece. Edisi Siasat you really should consider changing the name of your segment to "Edisi Skodeng" as looking from your post there isn't much investigative reporting going on anyway, just a bunch of peeping Toms with video cams. In my not so humble opinion it suits your show just right !

The trash collected by the eyes
and dumped into the brain
it tears into our conscious thought
you tell me who is to blame ...

Don't Damn Me :: Guns and Roses

::: posted by low at 8/25/2003 12:25:00 AM

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